Friday, October 10, 2008

They Are In!!

We are home from the transfer. Everything went smooth. The doctor put four in! They all were grade A - no fragmentation.

S was funny. The Valium made her giggly....which made me giggly after the procedure. I got to go into the operating room when they shot them up. It was soooo cool watching on the screen the insertion of the catheter and deposit of eggs. I teared up. We got a picture to take home too. One is of the deposit, the other is of the four eggs.

It's a wonderful day. S is not sleeping on the couch to Ratatouille. I just ran to the store to by some food to make chicken nachos. The weather is beautiful. We both feel excited and good.

Have a nice weekend.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lucky 13

Well, my house is still a mess. I didn't lift one finger.

But I don't care. 13 eggs are dividing! :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) Last time out of the nine only 5 divided. The nurse kept going on about how 13 is a good number. (13 is also my lucky number) I hope I hope I hope that their is a good healthy normal egg and sperm and they grow. I got the call from the doctor today. S forgot her phone, number one, and number two she doesn't get service at her work anyways.....she was surprised and happy. Friday morning will be the transfer!!

Now I must try to motivate myself to clean. I promised S I would clean the bottom part of the house today and the upstairs tomorrow. I am normally a very neat person....but for some reason I have been not caring. I don't know what's wrong with me. But gosh darn it... today is the day. I have to stop snacking, stop watching TV, and stop finding excuses to go online. I need to get out of my PJs.....and get my a*s in gear.

Well, in about 5 more minutes. I wanted to share this link about cancer. As I have previously stated, S and I are trying to go 100% organic. We are about 80%. Cancer doesn't really run in our families, but you don't need a family history to get it. We are trying to be as health conscious as possible and being really picky about what we put into our body. My weakness is sugar. I am a sucker for sweets. Has anyone read his book? I plan to pick it up from our local library.

Oh one more thing before I go. I have some cute pictures to show you of my Guinea pig. They are such wonderful animals. These make me laugh.

Meet my piggy:

she loves to eat!


helping me on the computer

in a pile of fresh greens

being a ham bone - look at that leg kicked out!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Change of Plans

They retrieved 15 eggs! Last time they only got 10. We have two grade B and C on ice from last time. I hope all these 15 do well. Tomorrow we find out how many fertilized. I am somewhat excited about the number....but I know that it is quality eggs, not quality. Because of the number the doc wants to do a true IVF cycle, not the ZIFT. So we will go in Friday or Saturday and get them put back in! I hope we have a good number of grade A's to put back in!

S is sore from her retrieval. We just woke up from being passed out on the couch and watching Harry Potter. I still feel stuffed from the food we ate from lunch. Now I think I will pay some bills and clean up this tornado of a mess from the weekend.

Friday, October 3, 2008


We are on!

Tomorrow we do our HCG shot, Monday is the retrieval, and Tuesday will be the tubal ZIFT procedure. It all happened so fast! I was totally expecting to have time to get it together at I am scrambling! It is all a little overwhelming. I know S is feeling overwhelmed! I usually am never overwhelmed and S is easily...but I am feeling it.

On our last IVF we had a TET. This is where they inject the egg into the f. tubes on day 3. It is of course more expensive... :0( ...about $1400 more than traditional IVF. The doctor is doing ZIFT this time (still a transfer into the tubes). The difference is that they will pull the eggs out on Monday and put them back in on Tuesday.

Supposedly, odds are higher! It is also better for women who are 39+because their eggs are more fragile and exposure to the outside environment can damage them at a higher rate then someone who has younger eggs. A possible reason for the chemical pregnancy last time? Maybe. However because their is a one day turn around, they won't be able to monitor the eggs for many days and choose the "top" eggs. Pros and Cons. Nerve wracking. I can see that I am going to be talking S down from possible melt downs as we discuss this. I am sure the doctor only wants what is best and is taking the best course of action for us. This is still so scary though! It's hard to trust someone and spend oodles of mu la.....but a part of me is calmer this time. Maybe because my gut is telling me that this time it is going to work. Or maybe it is because we have been through this before. Maybe both! A part of me is absolutely thrilled....and I can squeak in excitement! Another part of me is nervous...nervous like you are about to speak or perform in front of an audience!

Time will tell what will happen to us....and our story. Thanks for listening and waiting with us. Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sorry about grossing you out!

I hope your not to grossed out! I was rereading my blog from yesterday and feeling self conscious about what I revealed!

Please don't stop reading about me! :0(

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 8 Scoop

Hi ya'll!

The appointment with the Doctor went good. S and I stopped at Target and got some cute candy corn gifts for our nurses and doctor for putting up with us. They have really cool flavors! I don't think we are the typical couple. I have high anxiety....and that makes S have high we ask so many questions. Then we leave and have to call back with more questions. I hope they aren't rollin' their eyes at us when they see our number come up on color ID! But anyways...S will go in again on Friday. They think the egg retrieval will be this weekend!

ahahahaah. I just feel excitement this time!

Perfect example....Friday S was supposed to drop the donor sperm off at the doctors office. She forgot. After the meltdown.....we called the on call nurse. It was around 8:00pm. S felt so embarrassed. We couldn't take it on Monday, because the sperm would expire. Luckily their was a procedure was going on this weekend and we were able to drop it off!

In other news of my life:
S and I have switched over 85-90% of our diet to all organic. We feel healthier on the inside! Before we had a lot of gas (sorry if this is TMI) and now the problem sees to be taken care of. BUT - our armpits stink! It is so strange. The scent smells a lot like Middle Eastern food! I am desperately trying to figure out what specific ingredients is causing this. Our armpits feels sticky too. Sorry if this is grossing you out. I am almost getting grossed out thinking about it. I need to find a solution fasts, because you know I teach the older kids..... Oh, we do use deodorant (organic) but it's not helping!

Has this ever happened to anyone else on a organic diet?