They retrieved 15 eggs! Last time they only got 10. We have two grade B and C on ice from last time. I hope all these 15 do well. Tomorrow we find out how many fertilized. I am somewhat excited about the number....but I know that it is quality eggs, not quality. Because of the number the doc wants to do a true IVF cycle, not the ZIFT. So we will go in Friday or Saturday and get them put back in! I hope we have a good number of grade A's to put back in!
S is sore from her retrieval. We just woke up from being passed out on the couch and watching Harry Potter. I still feel stuffed from the food we ate from lunch. Now I think I will pay some bills and clean up this tornado of a mess from the weekend.
7 years ago
Fingers crossed! I hope that you get some good fertilized eggs!!!!!
Im crossing my fingers!
good lucky.
Yeah! I have some people who are interested in reading about me.
Thank you!
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