Hi ya'll!
The appointment with the Doctor went good. S and I stopped at Target and got some cute candy corn gifts for our nurses and doctor for putting up with us. They have really cool flavors! I don't think we are the typical couple. I have high anxiety....and that makes S have high anxiety......so we ask so many questions. Then we leave and have to call back with more questions. I hope they aren't rollin' their eyes at us when they see our number come up on color ID! But anyways...S will go in again on Friday. They think the egg retrieval will be this weekend!
ahahahaah. I just feel excitement this time!
Perfect example....Friday S was supposed to drop the donor sperm off at the doctors office. She forgot. After the meltdown.....we called the on call nurse. It was around 8:00pm. S felt so embarrassed. We couldn't take it on Monday, because the sperm would expire. Luckily their was a procedure was going on this weekend and we were able to drop it off!
In other news of my life:
S and I have switched over 85-90% of our diet to all organic. We feel healthier on the inside! Before we had a lot of gas (sorry if this is TMI) and now the problem sees to be taken care of. BUT - our armpits stink! It is so strange. The scent smells a lot like Middle Eastern food! I am desperately trying to figure out what specific ingredients is causing this. Our armpits feels sticky too. Sorry if this is grossing you out. I am almost getting grossed out thinking about it. I need to find a solution fasts, because you know I teach the older kids..... Oh, we do use deodorant (organic) but it's not helping!
Has this ever happened to anyone else on a organic diet?
I have no idea what is causing the odor. But it is interesting. Good for you on the baby front...keep my fingers crossed.
Heh - I can never resist a TMI post. Could it be cumin? That always seems to sweat out strongly with me.
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