Friday, October 10, 2008

They Are In!!

We are home from the transfer. Everything went smooth. The doctor put four in! They all were grade A - no fragmentation.

S was funny. The Valium made her giggly....which made me giggly after the procedure. I got to go into the operating room when they shot them up. It was soooo cool watching on the screen the insertion of the catheter and deposit of eggs. I teared up. We got a picture to take home too. One is of the deposit, the other is of the four eggs.

It's a wonderful day. S is not sleeping on the couch to Ratatouille. I just ran to the store to by some food to make chicken nachos. The weather is beautiful. We both feel excited and good.

Have a nice weekend.


Renaissance Woman said...

I can't very happy for both of you!

j.k-c. said...

Congrats! Fingers crossed!!!