Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lucky 13

Well, my house is still a mess. I didn't lift one finger.

But I don't care. 13 eggs are dividing! :0) :0) :0) :0) :0) Last time out of the nine only 5 divided. The nurse kept going on about how 13 is a good number. (13 is also my lucky number) I hope I hope I hope that their is a good healthy normal egg and sperm and they grow. I got the call from the doctor today. S forgot her phone, number one, and number two she doesn't get service at her work anyways.....she was surprised and happy. Friday morning will be the transfer!!

Now I must try to motivate myself to clean. I promised S I would clean the bottom part of the house today and the upstairs tomorrow. I am normally a very neat person....but for some reason I have been not caring. I don't know what's wrong with me. But gosh darn it... today is the day. I have to stop snacking, stop watching TV, and stop finding excuses to go online. I need to get out of my PJs.....and get my a*s in gear.

Well, in about 5 more minutes. I wanted to share this link about cancer. As I have previously stated, S and I are trying to go 100% organic. We are about 80%. Cancer doesn't really run in our families, but you don't need a family history to get it. We are trying to be as health conscious as possible and being really picky about what we put into our body. My weakness is sugar. I am a sucker for sweets. Has anyone read his book? I plan to pick it up from our local library.

Oh one more thing before I go. I have some cute pictures to show you of my Guinea pig. They are such wonderful animals. These make me laugh.

Meet my piggy:

she loves to eat!


helping me on the computer

in a pile of fresh greens

being a ham bone - look at that leg kicked out!


Lizzie said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement on my blog. Hoping and hoping for your lucky 13 !!

Angela said...

soooooo cute. wish you luck.