Monday, August 25, 2008


Today I am turning in our leases, two jeep commanders. They were wonderful and will be missed. Since Chrysler stopped leasing we scrambled and were lucky enough to lease two more at the last minute. We always go for cheap - so we ended up with Dodge Dakotas. It was the best deal going. Certain colors cost more - so we never choose what color we want. We ended up with grey and bright blue. If you lease two of the same car it is cheaper. S and I are more "jeep" chicks. The trucks are a bit masculine for us. We are feminine gals! But its only a two year commitment, right?

Today I have to also turn in a tracing of our new table top on our kitchen table. It is beautiful - wood with a little painted design. Very sweet. Anyway, I don't want the wood to chip off - so I though to put some glass over it!

I need to start going through my clothes in my closet. Now that school is here, this teacher needs to find out what still fits and what needs to be given to the poor. Our first teacher work day is tomorrow. At least it starts a little later in the morning.

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